Scientists usually know the deal: you change institutions, you change projects and scientific networks, and online services (researchgate,, orcid, scholar) emerge and vanish. And on the way, information starts to become inconsistent, old e-mail-adresses do not work anymore, and outdated information about your affiliation circulate.
Consequently, this site serves as an up-to-date hub regarding information about my work, and as a reference for participants and cooperation partners in my projects.
If you have suggestions, questions, or comments, feel free to reach out to me via
- my website and contact page at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography/Germany, or
- For a list of my research of which many can be downloaded for free via Researchgate:
- For citation information via Google Scholar:
- For the my Orcid-profile:
I am always happy to chat!
All the best,